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Clinical Trial for Equine Eyelid Squamous cell carcinoma

Principle Investigator

Dr. Annie Oh


Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is the most common cancer impacting the equine eye and is the second most common equine cancer overall. If left untreated, it can grow to infiltrate multiple ocular structures, in addition to the cornea and bony orbit, due to its locally aggressive nature.

The purpose of this study is to develop a novel and effective treatment for squamous cell carcinoma impacting equine eyelids. The chemotherapeutic of choice is paclitaxel as it is one of the most widely used chemotherapeutic agents in humans with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. However, the main challenge is the chemotherapeutic can be cleared quickly from the tumor and underlying affected tissue. To obtain long-term residence time of the injectable chemotherapeutic in tissue, we utilize a novel anchoring technology called Tissue Reactive Anchoring Pharmaceuticals (TRAPs). TRAPs essentially creates a local drug depot which allows for sustained drug release.

Testing Requirements

– Blood work will be completed to assess baseline bodily functions and post-injection systemic toxicity
– Partial resection/debulk of eyelid tumor under standing sedation
– Confirmation of diagnosis of SCC via histopathology (if not completed with primary care veterinarian)
– Inject healed surgical site with TRAP-paclitaxel chemotherapeutic under standing sedation
– Recheck examination at:
*2-weeks post-debulk surgery
*2-weeks post-injection
*4-months, 8-months, and 12-months post-TRAP-paclitaxel injection
– Photograph of injected site once weekly for 6 weeks

Enrollment Start


Enrollment Finish



– Focal Eyelid SCC (1-2 lesions)
– Histopathologic diagnosis (by primary care veterinarian or NCSU)
– No evidence of metastasis
– Overall good health
– Patients with previous adjunctive therapy can be enrolled


