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New NC State Equine Veterinary Center

The NC State College of Veterinary Medicine is excited to announce plans to build a new, modern Equine Veterinary Center on our veterinary medical campus. We are in the early stages of planning and design, and we look forward to having a space that will provide access to the best equine care possible. 

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Your gifts will help save lives and transform the future of equine care.

NC State’s Equine Care

Our equine program is powered by an exceptional team of faculty who provide state-of-the-art clinical care and teaching and perform ground-breaking translational research. Our faculty are second to none, leading the world in areas like colic surgery, stem-cell therapy, and ophthalmology. We have one of the largest teaching hospital caseloads in the United States, and we partner with local practitioners to provide outstanding DVM education, training the next generation of healers.

Economic Impact

The NC equine industry is a vital part of animal agriculture in the state. It directly employs more than 25,000 people and adds $2 billion to the state economy each year. When tourism and other related industries are added, the total annual equine industry impact in North Carolina is more than $3.4 billion. More than 30% of NC households have an interest in horses, including high-level competition, recreational riding, therapeutic riding and horse shows. The NC State College of Veterinary Medicine plays a pivotal role in the equine industry, providing specialty care on our campus and training the majority of NC veterinarians who are central to the health of the more than 250,000 horses in our state.

Building for the Future

Our current hospital has served us well, but we need additional space and a more modern facility to support the future of the NC equine industry and equine veterinary education. It’s time to build the new NC State Equine Veterinary Center to provide the cutting-edge care and world-class education that our equine companions and our equine industry need. We have the plans and the space for a vibrant new medical center and hospital, equipped with all the facilities our students and faculty require to support the veterinary specialty needs of horse owners.

This new facility will house all of our equine clinical teaching. The integrated research laboratories will be home to state of the art programs in regenerative medicine and gastrointestinal health.

Let’s Build This Together

Your support will help bring this new Equine Veterinary Center to life.