Research and You
Research Teams
Cutting-edge animal health and biomedical research requires a team of individuals bringing unique skills to the group. Most of our teams are formed of researchers (veterinarians and other scientists), clinical technicians, research assistants and graduate, veterinary and undergraduate students. Teams also include pet owners, animal breeders and other professionals who have a passion for research in a particular area. Do you have an area of animal or human health that you would like to help advance? Join our team!
You can help:
- Spread the word about ongoing studies and invite us to come talk to your groups about ongoing research.
- Provide input about underserved areas of research.
- Help raise mondy for research supplies and equipment.
- Provide your other unique skills to the program.
Learn more about how you can be part of the team
Visit Our Labs
Visit Our Clinical Trials Area
700+ Sponsors and Donors
Become Part of a World-Class Research Community
Every year the college funds research studies in animal health. We recently funded research in stem cell and medical treatment of heart disease in dogs, feline infectious peritonitis (FIP), antibiotic therapy for cattle and renal disease and bile duct surgery in dogs. Your donations can help us fund new research in additional important areas.