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David Knight


I have been on the Board of Directors since 2016 and the Executive Committee since 2018. I was compelled by the CVM’s ambition to build the finest state-of-the-art Equine Medical Complex in the country. I worked closely with Dean Paul Lunn and others to plan and organize the college’s approach to this project. I have held (3) meetings in eastern NC to promote the new hospital, introduce different CVM department heads in fascinating presentations, and promote the relationship between the equine community and the CVM personnel. We also had a large group from Eastern NC come to the CVM for presentations, tours of the labs, and to meet the staff of the CVM. I am excited to see this project actually come to fruition and to see final plans and schedules to make this dream a reality. My wife Janet & I own 5 Tennessee Walking Horses, 5 dogs, and many cats.