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Farm Animal

Species Priority Area


The Farm Animal Priority concentrates on preparing students to treat a host of species such as cattle, pigs, poultry, sheep, and goats. Farm Animal veterinarians are involved in both preventative and curative medicine. On the farm, veterinarians vaccinate food animals against disease, treat them when they are sick, perform surgeries and consult with farmers on management practices and nutrition. Career opportunities include livestock medicine, academia, research, allied industry and military.

Years 1-3 Requirements

Required Courses

There are no required electives or selectives for this species priority. 

Recommended Courses


  • VMP 989: Animal Welfare Judging and Assessment
  • VMP 998: Introduction to Farm Management for Veterinarians

Third Year Core Electives

  • VMP 901: Small Ruminant Medicine
  • VMP 906: Bovine Reproduction 
  • VMP 908: Advanced Ruminant Medicine and Surgery
  • VMP 904: Swine Industry
  • Coming Soon: Small Poultry Flock Medicine


  • VMP 991: Bovine Educational Experience
  • VMP 991: Current Issues in Food Animal Medicine
  • VMP 992: Food Animal Residue Avoidance
  • VMP 992: International Pork Production
  • VMP 991: Swine Health Management
  • VMP 991: Hot Topics in Animal Welfare
  • VMP 992:  Diagnosis of Poultry Disease
  • Coming Soon: Poultry Health Management

Year 4 Requirements

  • Core Rotations
    • Six four-week core rotations
      • Diagnostic Concentration
      • Anesthesia
      • Internal Medicine
      • Primary Care
      • Surgery
      • Urgent/Emergency Care
    • Two two-week core rotations:
      • Population Medicine/Shelter Medicine/Epidemiology
      • Non species priority medicine/primary care/surgery
  • Elective Rotations
    • Nine two-week elective rotations determined by species priority leaders

Area Leaders

Affiliated Faculty