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black dog

May 9, 2022

Quantifying Cognitive Decline in Dogs Could Help Humans With Alzheimer’s Disease

Diagnosing canine cognitive decline in a clinically safe and relevant way could lead to working with dogs as a model for Alzheimer’s disease in humans. 

student hugs dog

May 9, 2022

Class of 2022: A Loss that Leads to Overwhelming Love

A first-person essay by Samantha Frosch, who after graduation will be working as a small animal general practitioner in Raleigh. 

Red wolf stands with her pups at the NC Zoo.

May 5, 2022

The Oath, Spring 2022

In the latest edition of The Oath, the college’s bi-yearly magazine, we celebrate the college’s ongoing role at the center of the nationwide effort to repopulate the red wolf, the world’s most endangered canid species. We provide medical care, conduct research and tend our own wolves. 

Dean Meurs

May 4, 2022

Together Again at Last for the 38th Annual Awards Banquet

Faculty and students assembled in person after a two-year hiatus to celebrate the 38th annual CVM awards banquet. 

Military wife Apache pilot

May 3, 2022

Class of 2022: Apache Pilot. Military Wife. Mom of Three. Vet Student. Forever Friend.

A first-person essay by Tania Hummel, who after graduation will be practicing mixed animal medicine at a private hospital in Dothan, Alabama. Her husband, Brian, has been stationed at Fort Rucker in Alabama. 

Third-year student Annie Gorges scoops food into a wolf pen on a rainy day.

May 2, 2022

Working for the Wolves: Carnivore Crew Labors for a Species’ Life 

“No other vet school in the entire country has an opportunity like this to see such up close and personal management of the most endangered canine in the world.” 

red wolf in habitat

Apr 29, 2022

NC State Veterinary Medicine News and Updates, April 2022

Red wolf conservation, tiger care, a new museum exhibit to teach kids about veterinary medicine and more in this month’s News and Updates 

veterinarian sits with dog on bench

Apr 28, 2022

Class of 2022: Be Open to Changing Your Mind

A first-person story from Garrett Williams, who after graduation will be headed to the University of Pennsylvania College of Veterinary Medicine’s rotating internship program. 

NC State CVM red research tubes

Apr 27, 2022

NC State Veterinary Medicine Research Roundup, April 2022

From winning a prestigious early career honor to refining how to measure joint pain in cats to gathering data to help preserve an endangered species, researchers had another eventful month. Here is a sample of some of their latest work. 

CVM faculty receiving awards

Apr 26, 2022

Five Receive 2022 Awards for Excellence

Five winners and a total of 23 nominees for the 2022 Award for Excellence were recognized at an April 20 ceremony hosted by CVM Dean Kate Meurs.