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Amanda Chitero Silva

Clinical Veterinary Instructor

CVM Main Building NA


Dr. Amanda Silva was born and raised in the countryside of Sao Paulo, Brazil. She loved being around horses as a child, though she never had her own, and remembers sneaking out of the house to ride them. That stubbornness and dedication to the species led her to become an equine veterinarian.

She attended veterinary school at the University of Franca in Brazil and graduated with her DVM in December 2013. While earning her DVM degree, she completed an externship at Brazos Valley Equine Hospital in Stephenville, Texas, which she says gave her the opportunity to learn more about equine care and improve her English. She interned for three years at the same facility after graduation and later completed another internship at Weems and Stephens Equine Hospital in Aubrey, Texas.

Silva returned to Brazil in 2019 to be closer to family. She worked as an equine field veterinarian in the country for nearly four years while earning a certification in animal chiropractic and completing continuing education courses focused on equine dentistry, reproduction and emergencies.

She moved back to the United States in 2023 to work at NC State University as a clinical veterinary instructor. Her duties also include helping run NC State’s Equine Emergency Field Service.

Silva loves all aspects of equine veterinary care, from the science behind diseases and treatments to caring for foals, interacting with owners, approaching challenging cases and bonding with patients.

She barrel races in her free time and is passionate about the sport. When not in the arena, she enjoys traveling and spending as much time outdoors as possible.


DVM University of Franca 2013