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CPREC Research

Learn more about recent research projects coming out of the CPREC, as well as new grant calls on the topic of pain.

Grant Calls

Below are selected current requests for proposals and sites worth bookmarking. CPREC Research Faculty have experience of funding across these types of grants. Reach out to us to chat about them.

Research Abstracts

2022 American College of Veterinary Surgeons Surgical Summit

Click on a title below to view the abstract

Prevalence of Radiographic Osteoarthritis and Associated Clinical Signs in Young Dogs

NC State College of Veterinary Medicine 2022 Research Forum

Click on a title below to view the abstract

Prevalence of Radiographic Osteoarthritis and Associated Clinical Signs in Young Dogs (ABSTRACT | POSTER)

Blocking Artemin Signaling Reverses Osteoarthritis Associated Pain at Early and Late Time Points