Electives and Selectives
Core Electives Catalog
For FAQ about core electives, visit here and click on the Core Electives tab.
VMB 900 Veterinary Pain: Physiology and Clinical Problem Solving
Course Coordinator: Dr. Kelley Varner
Course will review the neuroanatomy and physiology of pain with emphasis on veterinary species. The course will also cover clinical treatment options and ethical discussions. Attendance is required. Fall Semester. 1.0 credits. Max: 100
VMB 901 Molecular Medicine
Course Coordinator: Dr. Matthew Breen
This elective is designed for all DVM students to augment their training in clinical and basic sciences. Modern medicine is making increasing use of molecular approaches for advancing diagnostic and prognostic modalities, and for developing more effective therapeutic strategies for cancer, metabolic disorders and infectious diseases. This class will outline the concepts underlying current and emerging technologies in molecular medicine, and investigate their utility in a clinical setting. The goal is to equip students with a basic understanding of the appropriate and effective use of molecular strategies, whether directly for patient care, or within academic, industry or government research. Spring Semester. 1.0 credits. Max: 100
VMB 909 Case Based Radiographic Interpretation
Course Coordinator: Dr. Nicholas Petrovitch
Using an entirely case based approach, disorders that are commonly diagnosed radiographically in both small and large animals will be discussed. The emphasis will be on radiographic interpretation. Selected case material, critical concepts in radiographic interpretation and how imaging can affect patient management will be discussed. Spring Semester. 1.0 credits. Max: 100
VMC 900 Advanced Equine Medicine
Course Coordinator: Dr. Kasia Dembek
This course will build upon topics covered in VMC 952 Equine Medicine and Surgery. Lectures will cover equine medical problems in more depth than in the previous course. Additional topics will also be included. This course is designed for students who plan to practice equine medicine after graduation. Spring Semester. 1.0 credits. Max: 100
VMC 901 Advanced Small Animal Medicine
Course Coordinator: Dr. Katie McCool
This course provides more advanced instruction on medical and surgical diseases of dogs and cats. Pathophysiology, diagnostic evaluation and medical and surgical management of diseases in nephrology, urology, oncology, respiratory medicine, infectious diseases, gastroenterology, cardiology and endocrinology are contained within this course. This advanced content of this course is designed to run alongside the content in VMC 951. Fall Semester. 2.0 credits. Max: 100
VMC 902 Small Animal Rounds
Course Coordinator: Adam Birkenheuer
Course incorporates weekly rounds on actual cases in the NCSU-CVM. Students will practice clinical reasoning, test interpretation and oral and written case presentations in a low stakes, safe environment. Real cases will provide a comprehensive application of the pre-clinical courses. Weekly repetition of these skills will prepare students for clinical practice. Spring Semester. 1.0 credits. Max: 100
VMC 903 Advanced Equine Surgery and Lameness
Course Coordinator: Dr. Timo Prange
This course offers a unique combination of class room lectures and supervised hands-on labs aimed at students with an equine or mixed animal interest. While lectures focus on selected surgery, ophthalmology and orthopedic topics, out-of-classroom experiences will concentrate on critical aspects of preventative care and herd management. In small groups, students will assess the current health status of their own herd of “Teaching Animal Unit” — horses — and develop a comprehensive health management calendar for their animals. Fall Semester. 1.0 credits. Max: 100
VMC 904 Advanced Equine Theriogenology
Course Coordinator: TBD
This course provides more advanced instruction equine Theriogenology (mare and stallion). Diagnostic evaluation and techniques, with expansion on basic core concepts introduced in previous course content are contained within this course. Fall Semester. 1.0 credits. Max: 16
VMC 905 Advanced Topics in Small Animal Dermatology
Course Coordinator: Dr. Petra Bizikova
This course will provide broad understanding of small animal dermatology by building upon the basic foundation principles covered in VMC 951. Students will learn to recognize, diagnose and treat both common and uncommon skin diseases of small animals. Spring Semester. 1.0 credits. Max: 100
VMC 906 Equine Field Skills Elective
Course Coordinator: Dr. Callie Fogle
This course will provide practical instruction in commonly used skills and techniques necessary for equine primary care practice. It is an intensive, team taught series of individual laboratories that provide students with experience in the varied skill set required of an equine general practitioner. This course is designed for students that are in the third year of the DVM curriculum, have good horse handling skills and a desire to practice equine veterinary medicine upon graduation. Spring Semester. 2.0 credits. Max: 16
VMC 908 Advanced Small Animal Neuro, Ophthal, and Ortho
Course Coordinator: Dr. Chris Mariani
This course will provide a more advanced approach to the medical and surgical management of selected metabolic, neoplastic, nutritional, immune mediated, developmental and degenerative diseases and traumatic injury of the ophthalmologic, neurologic, dental and musculoskeletal systems of small animals. It is a companion course to material given in VMC961. Spring Semester. 2.0 credits. Max: 100
VMC 909 Feline Medicine
Course Coordinator: Dr. Rachael Wood
This course will equip students for success in feline practice or in small animal or mixed practice with a feline component. The course will address the basic behavioral and nutritional needs of cats, and students will learn how the unique physiology of this species affects feline health and feline disease management. Spring Semester. 1.0 credits. Max: 100
VMP 901 Small Ruminant Medicine
Course Coordinator: Dr. Jennifer Halleran
This course will present the key principles involved with management, reproduction and diseases of sheep, goats and camelids. This will include basic information such as recommended nutrition programs to more advanced material such as diagnostic, therapeutic and prophylactic measures necessary to correct, reduce or prevent common diseases. Fall Semester. 1.0 credits. Max: 100
VMP 904 Swine Industry
Course Coordinator: Dr. Juliana Ferreira
This course will provide veterinary students with expertise to approach a clinical swine problem and also to understand and analyze different parameters from a swine production. Students will evaluate clinical signs, analyze and understand production records, and understand regulations and economic analysis. Students will also learn how to set up clinical trials, interpret serological and virological results, perform necropsy and understand swine reproductive management. Spring Semester. 1.0 credits. Max: 10.
VMP 906 Bovine Reproduction
Course Coordinator: Dr. Derek Foster
Students will gain hands-on experience with bovine rectal palpation, rectal ultrasonography, artificial insemination, and breeding soundness exams. Fall Semester. 1.0 credits. Max: 8.
VMP 908 Advanced Ruminant Medicine and Surgery
Course Coordinator: Dr. Derek Foster
This elective course will be a weekly lecture and lab that covers routine ruminant surgical procedures and advanced medicine techniques to supplement VMP 962 Ruminant Medicine and Surgery. Spring Semester. 2.0 credits. Max: 20
Electives Catalog
CBS 650 Population Medicine Forum
Course Coordinator: Dr. Sarah Rhea
Population medicine forum is a seminar-based class during which current topics in population health are presented and discussed. Topics covered include: Outbreak investigation, observational epidemiologic research, risk analysis, spatial analysis, the application of unique diagnostic technologies and epidemiologic modeling. Spring Semester. 1.0 credits
CBS 810 Applications in Repro (formerly Therio I)
Course Coordinator: Dr. Amy Stewart
Students will meet weekly to review current literature and discuss a wide range of topics surrounding animal reproduction, including comparative physiology and endocrinology, reproductive management, reproductive diseases and pharmacologic/technologic advances in Theriogenology. Each student will be expected to actively participate in group discussions and present 1-3 seminars during the semester. Fall Semester. 1.0 credits
CBS 810 Special Topics in Repro Management & Disease (formerly Therio II)
Course Coordinator: Dr. Amy Stewart
Students will explore pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment of major reproductive diseases through a series of bimonthly seminars. Students will be assigned one topic/seminar to summarize in ~20 min presentations. Each seminar will be comprised of several presentations on related conditions, with time for discussion throughout. Students will be encouraged to explore current research or review articles to discuss the most recent developments in diagnosis and treatment of reproductive disorders. Articles should be evaluated for quality, novelty of findings, and clinical applications of the information presented. Instructor Permission required if student has not already taken CBS 810 Applications in Repro (formerly Therio I). Spring Semester. 1.0 Credit
CBS 817/818 Advanced Topics in Zoological Medicine
Course Coordinator: Dr. Tara Harrison
This course provides breadth and depth of knowledge in zoological medicine to prepare Zoological Medicine residents to pass American College of Zoological Medicine (ACZM) boards. Veterinary students are exposed to more in depth information related to zoological medicine than covered in their core curriculum. Each Fall (CBS 817) and Spring (CBS 818) semesters, different aspects of zoological medicine are covered. Topics rotate every 3 years so that all major groups of animals within the sub-groups, avian, aquatic, herptile, wildlife, and zoo are addressed. Fall/Spring Semester. 2.0 credits Course Website
FW 730 Ethics in Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences
Course Coordinator: Dr. Caren Cooper
Students will explore historical and current thinking concerning the search for truth about natural systems, and the complex ethics scientists and practitioners who operate in the public sector must consider. Standards of professional and ethical behavior specific to Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences will be addressed. Faculty will introduce topics and guide discussions; students will give seminars and lead some discussions. Fall Semester. 2.0 credits
VMC 907 Small Animal Comfort Crew
Course Coordinator: Dr. Natasha Olby
This course is an introduction to patient care in the Terry Center. Students will receive instruction on low stress dog and cat handling, hospital protocols in the general wards, intermediate care unit (IMC) and intensive care unit (ICU), and topics such as the transplant program, management of postoperative patients, and student elected topics based on patients they have cared for. Students will play an active role in improving in- hospital patient care through hands-on comfort sessions with in-patients. Fall/Spring Semester. 1.0 credits
VMC 921 Special Topics in Zoological Medicine
Course Coordinator: Dr. Greg Lewbart
This elective course allows students to participate in customized laboratory and field experiences in zoological medicine (avian, aquatic, reptile, amphibian, invertebrate, and mammalian species). This course is designed to be adapted to the needs of students in the DVM program who desire practical experiences in the discipline. Specific details of individual projects are developed by the course coordinator and participating faculty. This elective course can provide partial fulfillment for elective credit for Zoo Focus Area. Fall/Spring Semester 1.0-3.0 Credits
VMC 919 Clinical Behavior and Welfare for Dogs and Cats Elective
Course Coordinator: Dr. Sara Bennett
This is a one-credit course in clinical veterinary behavioral medicine and welfare, with an emphasis on diagnosis and treatment of behavior problems of dogs and cats. The course will build upon the foundation of normal versus abnormal behavior and learning theory of VMC 927. This course will focus on the recognition of common problem behaviors in dogs and cats and how to approach a behavior problem with a systematic Problem Oriented Approach (POVMR). The presentation, proposed etiology and pathogenesis, differential diagnosis, and plan formulation- including diagnostic, treatment, and education plans, will be discussed for common problems. Behavioral medication and complementary products will be included when discussing treatment plans. Additionally, the impact on animal welfare and the human-animal bond will be discussed. Problems to be reviewed include noise aversion, separation anxiety, compulsive disorders, house soiling, fear and anxiety related problems, problems presenting with aggression, cognitive dysfunction, and some nuisance behaviors. Fall Semester 1.0 credits. Max: 30 Prerequisite: VMC 927 or equivalent
VMC 922 Veterinary Acupuncture
Course Coordinator: Dr. Tara Harrison
This elective course will introduce DVM students to Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine (TCVM), including acupuncture, moxibustion, and related therapies. The course will include an overview of TCVM history, terminology, theory, and practical applications using equine (horse or donkey) and canine species. The course will consist of online classes to be completed prior to the laboratory portion (Sessions 1 and 2 through Chi University) and in person laboratories on canine or equine patients over a 2 day laboratory intensive session.. Spring Semester. 1.0 credits
VMC 923 Research in Zoological Health
Course Coordinator: Dr. Michael Stoskopf
This course provides an opportunity to pursue mentored research projects relevant to zoological health while in the DVM curriculum. Projects may be but are not limited to those related to the zoological focus thesis option. Available as a 1 to 4 credit elective, so determine with coordinator what is appropriate for your experience. Fall/Spring Semester. 1.0-4.0 credits
VMC 924 Equatorial Zoology and Medicine In Galápagos
Course Coordinator: Dr. Gregory A. Lewbart View additional details about this elective.
This unique opportunity will allow DVM students to experience a unique, equatorial archipelago and much of its natural history offerings. The Galápagos Science Center (GSC) will serve as the base of operations. Dr. Gregory Lewbart, who has worked at the facility four separate times, will be the local program leader and guide. He will be assisted by local and visiting scientists. Lectures, laboratory sessions, and field trips will cover a wide variety of zoological and medical topics dealing with native invertebrates, fishes, reptiles, birds, and mammals. There will be an emphasis on aquatic species and a paper is required. This elective can fulfill the research requirement for clinical competency skills — please consult the course coordinator and your advisor to discuss options for satisfying this requirement, but typically in order to successfully meet the research requirement, a student must participate in field work on this trip and complete a three page report on the experience to your advisor. Spring Semester. 1.0 credits
VMC 928 Topics in Wild Reptile Medicine
Course Coordinator: Dr. Gregory A. Lewbart
This course introduces students to wild reptile medicine, surgery, husbandry, natural history, and captive management issues. Emphasis will be placed on learning the following skills in a clinical and didactic setting: species identification, capture and handling, physical examination, shell repair, diagnostic sample collection and treatment techniques. During the school year, students will also be expected to attend a minimum of 8 seminars related to wild reptile medicine in addition to one scheduled turtle lab (one per semester – date TBA). Students will also be required to attend monthly clinical rounds when appropriate and present a case or cases at one of these rounds. Fall/Spring Semester- Spring registration. 1.0 credits
VMC 929 Topics in Wild and Managed Carnivore Medicine and Management
Course Coordinator: Dr. Tara Harrison
This course introduces students to wild carnivore medicine, surgery, husbandry, natural history, and captive management issues. Emphasis will be placed on learning the following skills in a clinical and didactic setting: capture and handling, physical examination, complying with and contributing to Species Survival Plan (SSP) guidelines and recommendations, husbandry management, diagnostic sample collection and treatment techniques. During the school year, students will also be expected to attend a minimum of three lectures/seminars related to carnivore medicine (these do not have to be at the CVM but must be in addition to the core or Selective curriculum) in addition to a minimum of one red wolf immobilization (one per semester – date TBA). Students will also be required to attend clinical rounds when appropriate and may be asked to present a case or cases at one of these rounds. Fall/Spring Semester 1.0 credits
VMP 986 One Health – Philosophy to Practice
Course Coordinators: Dr. Paula Cray
This seminar-based course introduces the diverse aspects of One Health as an integrative, cross-disciplinary approach to solving complex health problems at the interface between people, animals and the environment. Assignments include leading a discussion group with other students on issues and problems addressed in class and an essay. Participants include students and faculty from NC State, UNC Chapel Hill and Duke University, plus non-governmental organizations, private-sector members and government professionals. The course is open to professional DVM and NCSU graduate students interested in the science/practice/policies related to animal health, human health and/or health of the environment. Fall Semester 2.0 credits
VMP 989 Animal Welfare Judging and Assessment
Course Coordinator: Dr. Monique Pairis-Garcia
This course will provide veterinary and graduate students with practical skills for animal welfare assessment and evaluations using scientific evidence through peer-reviewed literature. Students will learn general criteria and a scientific approach to assess welfare across multiple species and settings. This course is open to students enrolled in the veterinary professional program. In addition, graduate students wishing to compete in the Intercollegiate Animal Welfare Judging Contest may be enrolled in the course based on instructor discretion. Participation in the Intercollegiate Animal Welfare Judging Contest is not a requirement for this course. Fall Semester. 1.0 credits
VMP 998 Introduction to Farm Management for Veterinarians
Course Coordinator: Dr. Thomas Van Dyke
This course is an introduction to different aspects of modern beef and dairy farm management. A combination of classroom instruction and practical application, the course will provide future veterinarians with knowledge and skills needed to help producers make informed animal health, production and financial decisions. NCSU CVM Teaching Animal Unit, NCSU Dairy Education Unit, and NCSU Beef Education Unit farms will be used as models for observation and evaluation. Fall and Spring Semester. This elective is limited to 10 students in their second year. Students must enroll in fall and spring semester in order to receive credit. 1.0 credits
Catalog Fall
Selectives Catalog Fall
Current fall catalog can be found here.
Fall Selective Weeks
- Week 1: November 27-December 1, 2023
- Week 2: December 4-8, 2023
For FAQ about selectives, visit here.
**Note** The offerings in this catalog are subject to change. Selective offerings for the current semester are typically not finalized until the semester has already begun.
Catalog Spring
Selectives Catalog Spring
The current catalog is available here (if it takes you to past year first, click on “view next spring”)
- Week 1: April 15-19, 2024
- Week 2: April 22-26, 2024
For FAQ about selectives, visit here.
**Note** The offerings in this catalog are subject to change. Selective offerings for the current semester are typically not finalized until the semester has already begun.