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Lab Contact: 919.513.6390 |  919.513.6703
Surgical Pathology Service shipping address:
1060 William Moore Dr. Room B104H, Raleigh, NC 27607

The Histology Laboratory located in the College of Veterinary Medicine at NC State University specializes in animal tissue research and diagnostic services including paraffin embedment and microtomy, special staining and immunohistochemistry. In conjunction with the Anatomic Pathology group, we provide advanced diagnostic services to the CVM teaching hospital and veterinary clinics and support residency training in anatomic pathology.

Shipping Information

COVID-19 Change to Sample Drop Off

Update: The Surgical Pathology Service has resumed limited walk-in drop off sample service for local referring veterinarians at the Veterinary Teaching Hospital Emergency Entrance ONLY. Use of a courier service is permitted with delivery to the shipping and receiving dock of the Main CVM building.

Services for Referring Veterinarians

Specimen Submission Guidelines

  1. Containers must be labeled with names of the veterinarian, owner, and animal. If multiple samples are submitted from one animal, each tissue should be submitted in a separate container and labeled appropriately.  Each patient’s sample(s) should be accompanied by a completed submission form.
  2. For margins check on mass excisions, identify margins with sutures or a tissue ink and specify locations and orientation of each mass on the submission form.  Make sure to check the appropriate test request to include margin assessment. When a mass is submitted with a biopsy request, no margin assessment will be provided.
  3. Special stains, when needed for diagnosis, are included in the price of the original submission.  Additional staining not ordered by the pathologist will incur an additional charge per stain.
  4. If your case can benefit from ancillary immunohistochemistry (IHC) testing, recommendations will be included in the report.  Additional charges apply per antibody.  To order, call the lab at 919-513-6390 or email: ncstateanatomicalpathology@ncsu.eduand authorize the additional testing.  Alternatively, IHC testing can be pre-authorized by indicating pre-approval of the charges on the submission form.
  5. Tissues allowed to fix for 24 hour in appropriate amounts of formalin can be submitted in reduced amounts of fixative, decreasing the size and weight of the container and shipping requirements.  We strongly encourage the use of a delivery service with tracking information.  Review guidelines above to ensure compliance with formalin safety regulations.

Surgical Pathology Samples

  • Biopsy and masses with surgical margins
  • Immunohistochemistry
  • Dermatopathology
  • Histopathology of formalin fixed necropsy tissues are accepted. Gross necropsies are not performed on referral  cases

Descriptions of Test Complexities

  • Send In Slide Review
    • Second opinion on a surgical pathology case (NO cytology). Up to five H&E slides read for one fee. Slides from an outside reference laboratory should be shipped directly to the Surgical Pathology Service. The completed submission form can be emailed separately to: Special stains or immunohistochemistry is an additional charge.

Research Histology

Services Offered

We strongly recommend you call ahead 919-513-6390 or email: for information regarding the appropriate submission of research samples to the laboratory including establishing your account and authorizing charges as well as the technical content of your project.

  • Routine paraffin techniques
  • Special and Immunohistochemical staining
  • Specialized research protocols are evaluated on a case by case basis

Diagnostic Team


Anatomic Pathologist

Histology Staff

Kelsey Baltimore

Medical Laboratory Supervisor

Mili Kulkarni

Medical Lab Technologist

Matthew Murrin

Medical Lab Technologist

Kiera Ottino

Medical Lab Technologist