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Research Irradiation Core Facility


The X-RAD 320 is a self-contained X-ray system for delivering a precise radiation dosage to specimens in a biological or small animal research laboratory. The shielded cabinet includes an adjustable specimen shelf, sample-viewing window and beam hardening filter holder.

The TouchRAD control panel is a multi-user, password protected touch screen interface with a transportable database that can track individual system usage. A super-user controls passwords, programmed exposure settings, and database management.

The X-ray tube is used specifically for radiation therapy having a highly homogenous beam. Options available include dose measurement & control, motorized specimen shelf, turntable, fixed beam collimators, adjustable collimator, and specimen holding fixtures.

The NC State Veterinary Hospital has a clinical linear accelerator that is also available for research use. Interested users may seek consultation with one of the CVM Radiation Oncologists (Dr. Mike Nolan or Dr. Tracy Gieger).

Pricing & Scheduling

Pricing is subject to change; the current listed prices are in effect as of August 1, 2024. Fees are subject to inflationary increases. Please budget for an annual increase in rates of up to 3% when budgeting for grant. To inquire about current rates, please contact the Irradiator Core.

Service (per hour)NCSU / Internal UsersExternal Clients*
X-RAD 320XL - Unassisted Use$40.00--
X-RAD 320XL - Assisted Use$150.00$300.00
Anesthesia - Technical Support†$27.00$42.00
Anesthesia - Equipment Rental‡$8.82$13.50
  • Internal users may be trained for independent operation of the XRAD irradiator; see training details, below.
  • Internal users may, and external user must hire the Core to perform irradiations. To understand our processes, please read the entire website and the posted SOP. To tell us about your project and request our services, please complete this form. If you do not hear from us within a week, please contact us (email listed below). For external (non-NCSU) clients, note that if needed, the Irradiator Core personnel can help you to coordinate with CPL for animal irradiations and/or anesthesia.

*External academic users who are paying with Federal funds are charged the NCSU rate.

 †Anesthesia charges (technical support, equipment rental, anesthetic supplies) will be invoiced through the Laboratory Animal Resources Central Procedures Laboratory (LAR-CPL); their estimated fees are included here to assist with budgeting, but are subject to increases that may not immediately be updated on this website. For more information on CPL services, visit: (Service Request Form)

 ‡Anesthetic supplies (e.g., anesthetic medications) are billed for separately from equipment rental, but also by LAR-CPL.

Protocols & Forms

Project Approvals and Radiation Safety Oversight

All research projects involving the irradiator must be approved by the NC State Radiation Safety Office. This includes vetting of the proposed research by the Radiation Safety Committee’s subcommittee for research at the College fo Veterinary Medicine. Such review is automatically included in the process of acquiring BUA and/or IACUC approval. If your project does not involve or require BUA/IACUC approval, please contact the Radiation Safety office to discuss an alternate route for project approval.

Development of New Irradiation Protocols

Researchers are able to deliver radiation once a new protocol has been established in the X-RAD device. This requires calibration, and programming of the device; that process can only be performed by a “Super User”, generally a Core Facility Manager. Dr. Nolan is also available to assist with protocol development (e.g., design of new/complicated irradiation procedures; troubleshooting; etc.).


Irradiator Core SOP

Non-NCSU Collaborator Core Facility Use Form

Service Agreement Form


Training and approval for independent operation of the X-RAD device involves a multi-step process:

  1. Complete the NC State University CVM Irradiator Access Form, found at: Once the form is completed, it will be reviewed by both the Radiation Safety Office, and the PI of record for the irradiator. You will then be assigned to the necessary training course (# ehps-rs210 in NCSU Reporter) — that course is not public, so you cannot search for it — instead, you will receive an email with a link to the course.
  2. Upon completion of the training course, print the Competency Checklist (available via REPORTER) and arrange for irradiator core staff to go through it with you and sign off on you being a “User”.
  3. Our staff will then approve you as a user, which will prompt our system to give you swipe card access to the room where the irradiator is housed. Note that completion of this approval process may take up to five business days.

Please note that refresher training for the basic radiation safety course will be required every four years.

In order to access the XRAD equipment (room F123), users must have LAR F-wing access; details on how to acquire such access are provided in the Irradiator SOP which is posted to this website.


X-RAD Cell Radiation Core Facility

CVM Main Building, Room F123

North Carolina State University – College of Veterinary Medicine

Raleigh, NC 27607

Advisory Committee

The Research Irradiation Core Facility is led by a committed scientific director, and experienced core facility managers. An Advisory Committee has been formed to provide advice and oversight regarding Facility management and operations. The committee includes 4 volunteer members, each with a minimum term commitment of 3 years. The NC State Radiation Safety office has permanent representation on this committee. The committee chair position is occupied by a member of the NC State faculty, and rotates every 3 years.


Please contact any of us with any questions or concerns you have about the X-RAD machinery at