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An Inclusive Community

The College of Veterinary Medicine is committed to recruiting, supporting and retaining a diverse workforce. As stated in the college’s strategic plan, one important goal is that the student body, staff and faculty will reflect the diversity of society in North Carolina so that veterinary medicine can best meet the animal health needs of a diverse society. The current climate at the college is one that has a clear understanding of the benefits of inclusion, why we need to be culturally competent and how we are stronger with a diverse work environment. Our goal is to enhance that understanding and culture

NC State values inclusivity. Not only do we all benefit from multiple viewpoints, experiences and perspectives, it is critical to our academic mission. Without it, our students simply could not succeed in today’s competitive global marketplace – let alone become conscientious global citizens.

To discover a list of available training opportunities, click here. You can find out more information on our college’s programs here.

vets in rainbow of scrubs

“When we create environments where we are allowed to be who we are and be authentic and vulnerable, we create space for innovation, for real change and disruption. That is key.”
-Brené Brown

Non-Discrimination Statement

It is the policy of the State of North Carolina to provide equality of opportunity in education and employment for all students and employees. Educational and employment decisions should be based on factors that are germane to academic abilities and job performance. Accordingly, the North Carolina State University (“NC State”) does not practice or condone unlawful discrimination in any form as defined by this policy. NC State hereby affirms its desire to maintain a work environment for all employees and an academic environment for all faculty members and students that is free from all forms of prohibited discrimination. NC State strives to build and maintain an environment that supports and rewards individuals on the basis of such relevant factors as ability, merit and performance; the prohibited behaviors of discrimination, harrassment and retaliation are incompatible with the values and goals of NC State.