Computer Lab & Classroom PC Information
Computers in the six CVM Master Classrooms are setup identically to the ones in the computer lab. Thirty-one similarly configured computersand twenty-four laptops are also available in the VetMed library. The laptops can be setup for a classroom environment in room A101. Room reservation is required. Guest accounts are available on certain VML computers. Contact library staff for information on guest use.
WolfPrint printers are available in TC1561 and VML. Printing services are funded through your AllCampus account. Please see for information on setting up your account, frequently asked questions and troubleshooting
The Surgical Skills laboratory has been updated with state-of-the art audio-visual components that include a laptop in each of the 14 surgical bays with 46” flat panel monitors. The control station allows for the routing of multiple sources (blu-ray, laptops, audio, surgical camera, etc.) to any or all of the 14 display monitors. Active surgical procedures can be simultaneously displayed in the D239 classroom.
The B104 Microscope laboratory includes a desktop pc which displays to sixteen 46” flat panel monitors distributed in four overhead clusters. There are connections for instructors to use their own laptops with the overhead displays. Other technology includes a gross specimen visualizer and microscopy projection capabilities.
NOTE: If special software and/or updates are needed for workshops or special meetings, at least three weeks prior notice to CVM Computing Resources will be required to allow for testing and installation. If the requested software is determined to cause problems with existing computer setups it will NOT be installed.
CVM-Specific Applications
- Noah’s Arkive
- iCanine, iColic, iDistal Limb (Glass Dog, Glass Horse)
- EPI Info
- REDCap (Vanderbilt University software for research studies/clinical trial/project mgmt.)
- DSpace (MIT open source document/image repository)
- CVM Webapp (Custom web applications for hospital/college use)