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Current Eligibility Criteria

The following regulations and criteria are used to evaluate applicants for the upcoming admission cycle. In order to be considered for admission, prospective applicants are responsible for familiarizing themselves with and meeting the criteria listed.

Candidates are considered academically qualified for review if they meet the following minimum academic standards at time of application:

Grade Point AverageNorth Carolina ResidentsNon-Residents
Cumulative GPA
Required Course GPA
Last 45 Credit Hours GPA3.03.4

The Cumulative GPA includes all college courses.

The GPA for the Last 45 credit hours goes back a semester at a time. If a student completed 44 credit hours in his/her final three semesters, the College of Veterinary Medicine would go back 4 semesters to calculate the last 45 credit hours, meaning it may be calculated for 46 hours or more. The Last 45 GPA includes all post- secondary coursework (undergraduate, graduate, professional school, etc.).

Determine your GPA using the following conversions:
A+ = 4.0 B+ = 3.3 C+ = 2.3 D+ = 1.3
A = 4.0B = 3.0C = 2.0D = 1.0
A- = 3.7B- = 2.7C- = 1.7D- = 0.7
F = 0.0

Multiply the numeric grade equivalent by the number of credits for the course to obtain the quality points. Divide the total quality points by the total number of credits to determine the respective grade point average.

Applicant GPA are not rounded. For example, a 2.99 Cumulative GPA for a resident or a 3.39 Cumulative GPA for a non-resident does not meet the requirement. Grades achieved in multiple course attempts will be calculated into the Required Course GPA, Overall GPA and Last 45 Hour GPA (if applicable). In other words, the lower grade(s) is/are calculated into the GPA (not dropped).

Applicants should determine their own grade point averages in all three categories (Required Course, Last 45 and Overall) before submitting an application. To determine a GPA, simply divide the total quality points by the total number of credits using the grade conversion chart listed above. If you are calculating quarter hours take the credit count and multiply it by 1.5 for equivalent value to semester hours.


In certain cases, applicants who do not meet the minimum GPA requirement (in one GPA category) may be considered for admission based on alternative evidence of academic qualification as determined by the Faculty Committee on Admissions. This classification helps identify applicants who may have had some impediment (medical issue, family illness, unrelated major) to meeting minimum academic standards. It is incumbent on the applicant to provide evidence of academic strength (usually a stronger Last 45 GPA or Required Course GPA) while detailing what strengths he or she would bring to the admitted class in light of the overall academic record.

Consideration under “Alternative Eligibility”  applies only to the GPA requirement (in one GPA category) and not the other admissions requirements (C- or better in required courses, no more than two required courses remaining in the spring semester of the admissions cycle, lack of prerequisites, etc.).

Applicants must complete the required courses at an accredited college or university. Required courses (with the exception of AP classes) must be completed for a letter grade. The letter grade for a required course must be a “C-” or higher. If an applicant needs to repeat a course, he or she will have fulfilled the requirement if a “C-” or higher is achieved when the course is repeated (whether on the second or subsequent attempts). An applicant may not wait until the fall or spring semesters of the application cycle to repeat a course that is below a “C-“.

All course attempts are calculated into the Required Course GPA, Overall GPA and Last 45 Hour GPA (if applicable). The numerical equivalent of a “C-” grade is 1.7. The “C-” or better grade for prerequisites must be recorded on transcripts received by the application deadline.

All but two (2) of the required courses or labs must be completed by the end of the fall semester of the application cycle. The remaining courses or labs must be completed in the following spring semester. This is a TOTAL of 2 (two courses, two labs, or one course and one lab) in separate prerequisites (i.e., Microbiology and Microbiology lab = 1, Microbiology and Microbiology lab + Statistics = 2, Microbiology and Microbiology lab + Statistics + Physics II Lab = 3). Required courses or labs can’t be completed in the summer semester immediately preceding matriculation.

Advanced Placement (AP) courses can be used to fulfill prerequisites. The applicant’s undergraduate institution must list the AP course by name (Biology, English, etc.) on its transcript indicating the number of credits granted. AP courses are not considered when calculating grade point averages.

course in animal nutrition is a requirement. If you attend a college that does not offer an animal nutrition course, you may want to consider taking one via distance learning, such as an internet course or correspondence course offered by an accredited college or university. Animal Nutrition courses may be offered at various institutions including, but not limited to:

Prerequisite or Required Courses for the Current Admissions Cycle

For the equivalent course at another college or university, check the NC State University course catalog or ask the advisor at your college. Use the course descriptions listed here to guide you on your assessment if a course taken at your home institution meets our prerequisites.

Required CourseSemester Hours RequiredNC State Equivalent Course Examples
Animal Nutrition3

ANS 225 Principles of Animal Nutrition (3)

or ANS 230 Nutrition of Domestic Animals (3)

or ANS, NTR, PO 415 Comparative Nutrition (3)  (cross-listed course)

or NTR, PO 515 Advanced Comparative Nutrition (3) (cross-listed course)

Human, Plant and species specific (Equine, Swine, etc) Nutrition courses will NOT satisfy this requirement.

Biochemistry3 or 4

BCH 351 General Biochemistry (3)

or BCH 451 Principles of Biochemistry (4)

Biology (lab required)4

BIO 181 Introductory Biology: Ecology, Evolution, and Biodiversity (4)

or BIO 183 Introductory Biology: Cellular and Molecular Biology (4)

Chemistry, General (labs required)8

CH 101 Chemistry – A Molecular Science (3) with lab CH102 (1)

and CH 201 Chemistry – A Quantitative Science (3) with lab CH 202 (1)

Chemistry, Organic (labs required)8

CH 221 Organic Chemistry I (3) with lab CH 222 (1)

and CH 223 Organic Chemistry II (3) with lab CH 224 (1)

English Composition & Writing or Public Speaking or Communications


Any combination of English composition, writing, public speaking, or communications courses.

This category does not include literature courses (English, American, etc.). However, we do accept courses that meet "writing across the curriculum" requirements at many liberal arts institutions. An applicant doesn't need prior approval for "writing across the curriculum" courses but should be prepared to prove the requirement if asked during the admissions cycle.

Genetics3 or 4

GN 311 Principles of Genetics (4)

Animal Breeding and Livestock Improvement courses will not meet the requirement.

Humanities and Social Sciences6Any combination of Humanities and/or Social Sciences.

Humanities courses include, but are not limited to, history, foreign language, literature (English, American, etc.), music, art, and theater. Social Science courses include, but are not limited to, anthropology, philosophy, political science, psychology, and sociology.
Microbiology (lab required)4

MB 351 General Microbiology (3) and MB 352 General Microbiology Lab (1)

or MB 354 Inquiry-Guided Microbiology Lab (1)

or MB 411 Medical Microbiology (3) and MB 412 Medical Microbiology Lab (1)

The Student Development Office acknowledges that some institutions offer a 3 credit Microbiology course with the lab included. A 3 credit course with lab included will satisfy the requirement.

Physics (labs required) (must be at least a two-course series)8

PY 211 College Physics I – mechanics, heat, wave motion and sound (4) and PY 212 College Physics II – electricity, magnetism, light and modern physics (4)

or PY 205 Physics for Engineers and Scientists I (3) with PY 206 Physics for Engineers and Scientists I Laboratory (1) and PY 208 Physics for Engineers and Scientists II (3) with with PY 209 Physics for Engineers and Scientists II Laboratory (1)


ST 311 Intro to Statistics (3)

or ST (BUS) 350 Economics and Business Statistics

Beginning with the 2021 admissions cycle, NC State no longer requires the GRE for admission into the DVM program.

The Faculty Committee on Admissions reviews the following subjective criteria in accordance with the “holistic review” process employed by the College.

1. Veterinary Experience A minimum of 200 hours of clinical, medical, agribusiness, health science or medical related scientific research experience is required by the time of application.   Experience can be obtained in any area of the veterinary medical profession (small animal, large animal, research, food animal production, exotic, aquatic, wildlife, zoological medicine, etc.).  The work can be either paid or voluntary and must be completed under the supervision of a veterinarian (or PhD scientist if scientific research). Applicants will be evaluated on the ability to demonstrate how the experience helped shaped his or her understanding of the profession by description of experience and level of duties.

2. Animal Experience All other animal related experiences will also be evaluated, such as working with livestock, breeding/ showing dogs or similar, working at a zoo, aquarium or pet shop, equestrian activities, volunteer time at an animal shelter/rescue, etc., and these should be included in the “Animal Experience” section of the VMCAS application.

Unlike veterinary experience, there is no minimum contact time required for animal experience.  However, please note that this category doesn’t include companion pet ownership.

While applicants are expected to obtain veterinary and animal experience on their own, NC State University’s Pre-College Programs offer opportunities in a variety of disciplines – each aimed at helping students prepare for college while experiencing NC State life. Disciplines include agriculture, cultural education, design, engineering, leadership, math, science, technology, and writing. Some current programs are excellent experience opportunities in veterinary medicine.

3. Educational Experience Consideration will be given to academic excellence, the course load per term, employment concurrent with school attendance, and participation in intercollegiate athletics. This will also include evaluation of accomplishments such as honors, awards and advanced degrees.

4. Evaluation Forms/Recommendations Three (3) recommendations are required using the VMCAS Electronic Evaluation system (eLOR). Each evaluator should include a written narrative that supports his or her overall evaluation of the applicant. Applicants must submit letters through the eLOR system. Although VMCAS allows a maximum of 6 submissions, NC State only requires 3 letters of recommendation and prefers to only receive 3 letters per applicant.

It is highly recommended that two recommendations (2) are submitted by veterinarians or PhD scientists with whom the applicant has worked in a veterinary or research setting. The letters must describe the nature of the work relationship. The third letter can be from an academic advisor, employment supervisor or other evaluator of the applicant’s choosing who has some working knowledge of the applicant. Applicants should not ask relatives to submit letters on their behalf.

Evaluations should support experiences listed and validate maturity, commitment and work ethic with specific examples. The admissions committee may contact references directly if further information or clarification is required. You will be asked to provide contact information on the NC State supplemental application for veterinarians with whom you have worked who did not provide an electronic evaluation.

Information for Reference Writers 

5. Personal Statement The admissions committee will give consideration to all prompts in the VMCAS personal statement. VMCAS prompts encapsulate the following topics:

(1) the applicant’s future career goals

(2) the contribution of veterinarians in society

(3) the attributes of a successful veterinarian

Please access the VMCAS application to see the specific question prompts. The admissions committee also requires essay responses to questions on the NC State supplemental application. The optimal written response is succinct; and, it addresses the question that has been asked using appropriate language, grammar, and style.

6. Diversity Diversity, i.e.,those unique life experiences and interests that a prospective veterinary medical student brings to the NC State College of Veterinary Medicine or to the veterinary medical profession, is an important consideration during the selection of prospective veterinary medical students.*

Examples of distinctive life experiences and interests include, but are not limited to:

  • Particular veterinary career interests
  • Graduate school course work and graduate degrees (master and doctorate-level)
  • Job history
  • Demonstrated leadership and perseverance
  • Honors, awards, and publications
  • Evidence of client service, problem solving, and conflict resolution

* The Admissions Committee believes that a student body with a greater variety of life experiences and viewpoints allows students to learn more from each other, and thus be better prepared to enter the workforce and serve their client population. In addition, such a graduating class is better able to serve the needs of our state and nation by providing expertise in a variety of veterinary, medical and health-related fields.

7. Extracurricular and Community Activities The level, depth of accomplishment, and leadership roles in clubs (college/university, hobby), athletics (intramural, club) and community organizations will be taken into account.

8. Interview Process Resident applicants that meet the criteria to be considered for admission will complete an asynchronous interview. The CVM presently utilizes the Kira Talent platform to conduct interviews. Applicants are asked a question, offered a couple minutes to consider a response, and then record a timed response. Questions center on learning more about the applicant and offer insight into the candidate that would otherwise not be realized in the traditional application process.

Non resident students do not currently participate in the interview process for admission.

What Is It?

VMCAS performs Transcript Verification on all submitted applications. VMCAS will match your coursework section line by line against your official transcript to ensure you have correctly entered your courses.

How Does It Work?

Your transcripts should be sent to VMCS. See instructions below. Once VMCAS receives all your required documentation, VMCAS will then place your application in the verification queue. It can take up to four weeks for us to complete your verification. By submitting all of your transcripts by August 15th, you will greatly improve your chance of having your application verified by the September 15th deadline.

What Does This Really Mean?

It means that you should plan on submitting your application, and have all your evaluations and transcripts into VMCAS by AUGUST 15 in order to allow time for your application to move through verification.

Required Documents

In order for your application to qualify for verification, the following items are required to be received by VMCAS before we will begin verifying your application:

  • Submitted VMCAS web-application
  • At least one (1) submitted letter of reference (e-LOR)
  • VMCAS application payment in full
  • ALL your official transcripts received by VMCAS

Send Transcripts to:

VMCAS – Transcripts
P.O. Box 9126
Watertown, MA 02471

Once all four of the above requirements are met, VMCAS will place your application into the verification queue.

Early completion of your application will get your completed application to your designated schools sooner!

International applicants, as well as US resident applicants attending colleges outside the United States must meet all of the listed admissions criteria as well as:

  • have all international academic transcripts evaluated by a credential evaluation service. At this time, VMCAS only verifies international transcripts evaluated by World Education Services.
  • submit proof of English proficiency. In order to be eligible for admission to the Graduate School all international applicants, regardless of citizenship, must demonstrate proficiency in English at a level necessary to be successful in a graduate program at NC State. More information about English proficiency.

For detailed information on what the VMCAS application looks like and what you need to apply, watch the VMCAS Application: Explained video series – advice straight from our NC State College of Veterinary Medicine Admissions Team.