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Rocio Crespo


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Dr. Rocio Crespo has over 20 years’ experience as a poultry veterinarian. She received her veterinary training at the Universidad Complutense, Madrid, Spain, with honors in animal production and economy. She attained a MS and DVSc (PhD equivalent) at the University of Guelph. In 1996 she became a diplomate in the American College of Poultry Veterinarians. Dr. Crespo has worked at the California Animal Health and Food Safety Laboratory System (University of California, Davis) and Avian Health and Food Safety Laboratory (Washington State University). She was chief at both labs. In August 2018, Dr. Crespo joined the Department of Population Health and Pathobiology at North Carolina State University.

Dr. Crespo has extensive diagnostic experience and firsthand knowledge with major OIE reportable diseases, such as avian influenza and velogenic Newcastle disease. In 2016 she received the scientist of the year award from the Pacific Egg and Poultry Association. Presently she serves as a Board of Directors member for the American Association of Avian Pathologists and an editor for the Journals of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation and Applied Poultry Research. The primary focus of Dr. Crespo’s research includes investigation of the pathogenesis and diagnosis of diseases in poultry. Dr. Crespo has over 70 publications, in peer-reviewed articles and book chapters.

Area(s) of Expertise

My research and service work strives to facilitate continued development of practical tools for poultry farms, not only commercial but also small flocks. Biosecurity and epidemiological issues for other captive, companion, or wild birds are also studied, especially as they may relate to disease introduction and spread into poultry flocks.

My research objectives include developing tools to advance poultry health through metagenomics and clinical pathology, and improving epidemiologic investigation using molecular techniques and geographic information systems.


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