Population and Global Health
Graduate work in the Population and Global Health concentration aims to train students in population-based methods applied to animal and human health and their intersection. Population health methods are relevant to several research fields including global and public health, clinical and population medicine, and one health. Our faculty are highly collaborative with expertise in epidemiology, computational biology, infectious diseases, microbiome, global health, and animal welfare and production.
Graduate coursework will include research methods (e.g., epidemiology, computational biology, or bioinformatics) and knowledge-domain courses in the chosen field of study (e.g., animal health, animal welfare, infectious diseases, public health, global health).
CBS 650 Seminar: Population Medicine Forum (1 credit; minimum 3 credits total for doctoral students; minimum 2 credits total for master’s students).
CBS 775 Designing Population-based Research; Spring (3 credits)
At least 6 credits in elective courses need to be taken by the student in consultation with the advisor and graduate committee, and must be approved by the student’s graduate advisory committee. Possible elective course include, but are not limited to, the following:
CBS 580 Epidemiology I
CBS 586 One Health: From Philosophy to Practice
CBS 649 Issues in Preventive Medicine and Public Health
CBS 713 Zoonoses and Public Health
CBS 754 Epidemiology II
CBS 776 Infectious Disease Dynamics
BMA 560 Population Ecology
BMA 567 Modeling of Biological Systems
GN 703 Population & Quantitative Genetics
SOC 755 Global Institutions and Markets
SOC 762 Sociology of Food Systems
SOC 761 Contemporary Debates in Food & Environment
PA 511 Public Policy Analysis
PA 715 Quantitative Policy Analysis
BIT 477 Metagenomics
ST 505 Applied Nonparametric Statistics
ST 506 Sampling Animal Populations
ST 512 Experimental Statistics for Biological Sciences II
ST 520 Statistical Principles of Clinical Trials
ST 531 Experimental Design
ST 533 Applied Spatial Statistics
ST 535 Statistical Methods for Quality and Productivity Improvement
ST 537 Applied Multivariate and Longitudinal Data Analysis
ST 540 Applied Bayesian Analysis
ST 544 Applied Categorical Data Analysis
ST 745 Analysis of Survival Data
Participating Faculty